my name is rebecca esty ..i have no idea if this will reach any co-classmates ..iknow where a few of you are..chef james' now proud "sevy's" owner ..still talks about us(all) getting together for a reunion.....the past few yearsamong co/owning a restaurant and getting involved in chef2000 an slow food some aspect during a retreat that tackled education sparked my interrest...for i was starting to developa somewhat biased view of those i hired from a number of different culinary schools ..i was amazed at how many students out of my almamater especially couldnot think for themselves...and i being a product of more than one school was kind of upset about that.. i've been developing a poss. curriculum idea..poss. certification coarse to potentialy be spear headed by cia and funded by big name insurance co.s' ..the coarse would be called "culinary reality'' see r.esty link