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By Briantif (Briantif) on Monday, January 17, 2005 - 04:44 pm: Edit |
Is going to the CIA for an education really worth it? I am applying for the B.P.S baking and pastry program and by the time I end my time at CIA I will have spent close to $90,000 for everything. What kind of jobs can I get with this kind of degree. Will I be able to pay this off with the kind of job I will be getting. I need to know if it is really worth investing this much time and money into school.
Thank you all so much,
By Chefspike (Chefspike) on Monday, January 17, 2005 - 10:05 pm: Edit |
Take the money, find an investment for most of it.
Go to europe with the rest, go to every school in every country you might want to live in, and go to school there.
Work your ass off, 'cause your already behind, kids over there start at 16-17 years old.
What are you?.....19?
After 2 years you will be able to waste any American schooled student.
Good luck, write when you find work.
By George (George) on Tuesday, January 18, 2005 - 10:10 am: Edit |
It really depends on what you want to do.
If you just want to do pastry Spike is right. If you want to prepare yourself for more a college degree is indispensable in this day and age. I have an e-mail into the school to see if the program credits are transferable to a "real" college and if the degree would be counted if you want to go on to higher education i.e. a Masters at a school like Cornell.
If you want to make real money, have a life, bennies, some form of security, and holidays with loved ones at some time you have to think ahead and get an education.
Just about any accredited 4 year college will cost you the same money, the difference is you will at least learn something you will be able to actually use after school if you learn how to cook and bake, even if you do not go into the profession.
By Chefmanny (Chefmanny) on Wednesday, January 19, 2005 - 06:01 pm: Edit |
Guys, have you heard of financial aid, NO!, not loans, grants scholarships...etc. which you don't pay back!!!
There is tons of monies for food related careers out there, you just have to apply, I have to go to school to keep my credentials and I apply for them and get them!!!!!!!
In addition, going to Europe and doing that thing is great but, you guys are under rating the American programs big time, they are not your parents, or your program that you went through!...much progress has been made in the past ten to fifteen years!!!!!!
IF you are good in Europe you will be good in the USA, and if you are a slacker in the USA, you will be a slacker in Europe!!!
This is the type of career that you get out of it what you put into it!!!!!
As for the hours, yes they are long, but they don't have to be, it is your choice and, there are choices to make that may sacrifice certain elements of your life but you have to place your values and make those choices.
I left a job making six figures to come teach for 70K a year but, I just had a son, I watched him grow, he's 11 now. I would never trade those times with him for any money, I don't know how parents grow up without knowing their kids?????
I guess that's one of the choices to make huh?????
By George (George) on Friday, January 21, 2005 - 11:10 am: Edit |
Off topic stuff moved to Locker Room
By Briantif (Briantif) on Monday, January 24, 2005 - 05:16 am: Edit |
So does anyone have any suggestions for financial aid. Am I able to get them my parents make a butt load of money but not enough to send me through school. I am 21 and this will be only my second year off their taxes. Also pastries are what I want to do I enjoy that kind of stuff and want to go to CIA but am asking once again is it really worth it? None of you really answered that really valuable question.
By Chefmanny (Chefmanny) on Monday, January 24, 2005 - 10:36 am: Edit |
Go to fastweb.com, fill out profile. Very good sight, I get 10-12 scholarship notices every week from them.
Is it worth it?????....is it worth it to you?????
What do you want to do with the education??
Some jobs will require that skill, others will not, you should definitely get a job and get some hands on in a bake shop. You are in CA, there's plenty of places to work at there.
By the way, are you talking about CIA in CA or NY???????
By Chefspike (Chefspike) on Monday, January 24, 2005 - 09:37 pm: Edit |
NO, it's not worth going to some school for 2 years and spending that kind of money, and ending up manking donuts at some hole in the wall.
Look, your 21, try to find a job at a bakery, do that for a while to see if you like and can deal with all the stuff that happens in the shop.
If you are in Cal. call Pierce College in the Valley, just north of Los Angeles. Ask them about the Food Program they have there, there was an article in one of the papers a couple of days ago. Not the LA Times but one of the other ones. See what they have and check it out.
Then call student services and ask about "grant money", and do it quick cause Pres. Bush is going to cut Grant money soon.
then get back to us and tell us what you found out.