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By Christopher on Tuesday, November 07, 2000 - 02:06 am: Edit |
How hard is is to get accepted to the CIA? I am a little worried because although I have worked in a five star resturant for almost a year, I have only been a back waiter. I have helped out the kitchen quite a few times, but it was never my job.
I am also curious about the dorms htere. Would you reccomend them? Are they fun? Are they nice?
By George (George) on Tuesday, November 07, 2000 - 05:13 pm: Edit |
These days not hard at all. There are so many schools out there that they have trouble filling all the available slots.
As long as you can pay for it, have a HS diploma and have some kind of experience you're in.
The doorms are OK and can be fun but it depends what one your are in to and what you consider fun.
They try to keep simlar age groups together as much as possible. When I was there the "New" dorm was for the 18 year olds and was very noisy and full of partying and at the other end was A dorm where all the "older" students were. B and C were in between. It could be much different now however.
All that said it is truly an incredible place. You could'nt learn 10 % of what they have to offer even if you truly busted your butt and went twice!
All the Best,
By George (George) on Tuesday, November 07, 2000 - 05:13 pm: Edit |
These days not hard at all. There are so many schools out there that they have trouble filling all the available slots.
As long as you can pay for it, have a HS diploma and have some kind of experience you're in.
The doorms are OK and can be fun but it depends what one your are in to and what you consider fun.
They try to keep simlar age groups together as much as possible. When I was there the "New" dorm was for the 18 year olds and was very noisy and full of partying and at the other end was A dorm where all the "older" students were. B and C were in between. It could be much different now however.
All that said it is truly an incredible place. You could'nt learn 10 % of what they have to offer even if you truly busted your butt and went twice!
All the Best,
By susan wright on Monday, December 18, 2000 - 07:39 am: Edit |
Christopher, I went to the CIA, had over 15 years of restaurant experience, mostly as a waiter. I had some cooking experience, but regardless of what experience you have, you will learn the CIA's approach. A good attitude and willingness to learn is the most important aspect of yourself. As far as the dorms go, most people become friends with the other people in their group. Remember that for all the partying that can be done, you will be at the CIA only once, and what you do there will benefit your future far more than night after night of partying. I'm not saying don't have fun, just come to the CIA when you're really ready to learn. My time at the CIA was the best 21 months I experienced in my life. I found out what I was capable of doing, and pushed myself way way beyond my initial set of expectations.
Have a great time, and if you need any information, contact me at s_wright2@hotmail.com