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By chefgbs on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 10:17 am: Edit |
Anyone have any opinions on President Metz's departure. I've been hearing some wild rumors and I hope they're baseless. I remember him as being a great culinarian.
By bbcp17 on Thursday, February 01, 2001 - 08:55 pm: Edit |
What are the rumors?? I personally hope they promote Chef Ryan.
By Yankee on Monday, February 05, 2001 - 01:59 pm: Edit |
A great culinarian perhaps,
Rest of posting deleted
The rest of this interesting, but libelous posting has been deleted.
It would have been posted if the poster had identified them selves by registering, and I could verify their ID.
Can't let anonymous folks throw mud at the likes of Chef Metz here, even if they are valued posters in the other forums
I've gotta draw a line sometimes, unfortunately.
Sorry Yankee, if it was indeed you that made the posting.
By vitesse on Friday, February 23, 2001 - 06:51 pm: Edit |
There have always been rumors about FM, and those that surround him as well, including his family children, and prefered partners.
It is common sport to engage in rumor mongering about someone in a position of authority. Why bother?
The known rumors are the least of the things that Metz has abused his power with. The rest would disappoint you beyond belief.
In the end, Metz has been the most influential culinarian on the planet. Not through his own achievements, but rather by what he allowed others to accomplish, and how they in turn influenced the culture of cooking.
By Yankee on Tuesday, February 27, 2001 - 10:13 pm: Edit |
Rumor mongering is simple human nature, for better or worse.
I'm sorry you will not post my previous thoughts, George.
Like I said before, the truth will find it's way out at some point, it always does. In the end, it's a shame and a waste. I gather no joy from it, really.
My issues with Chef Metz were as an alumni. I paid my tuition. Those guys are all paid off of our backs. What they do while on "CIA time" is our business. To think otherwise is a bit foolish.
By George (George) on Wednesday, February 28, 2001 - 08:13 am: Edit |
Just an FYI the reason I didn't post it is: "It would have been posted if the poster had identified them selves by registering, and I could verify their ID."
By Yankee on Thursday, March 01, 2001 - 12:53 pm: Edit |
Sorry if I sound like a knuckle dragger here, but what does registering accomplish?
Does it take you off of the hook, George? Sorry to go off topic, but please explain.
By George (George) on Tuesday, March 06, 2001 - 10:05 am: Edit |
Registering lets you post in a couple of the forums that are designed as "pro-only" and it lets others know who you are and a little about yourself.
I'm requiring it to post on the Metz issue because it's just not fair to allow someone to make accusations in a public forum without identifying himself or herself.
I'm not sure if I'd be "off the hook" even then.
By Yankee on Thursday, March 08, 2001 - 11:27 pm: Edit |
Probably not, but I doubt anyone would come after you for posting it.
Why? Because the basic story is true.
There are also much worse and much more important things going on in the outside world.
I honestly wish there were more people here who could offer an opinion. That's a reflection on the profession we are in, not your web site, George.
The orginal poster on this thread had heard "wild rumors." Well, that person is registered, so what were those rumors?
Anyways, I'm done on this thread. I'm starting to feel like some of those idiots that I went to the CIA with who blamed Chef Metz for everthing from their crummy knife kits to fact that they couldn't get laid. "It's all Metz fault! That's why I have to sit in my dorm room all day and watch bad porn movies!"
By Heather on Monday, March 26, 2001 - 04:36 pm: Edit |
I am at the CIA currently (in the BPS program), and I can confirm that President Metz is leaving this coming fall. There is a committee currently determining who will take his place. Metz will still be involved with the school, however. Also, he just was married again two weeks ago . . . a little update.
By chefgbs on Sunday, April 01, 2001 - 11:43 pm: Edit |
As the original poster of this thread, my intent was not to engage in idle rumor mongering. The rumors I heard were that he abused his power and had multiple affairs. Even if they are true, was it enough to warrant his dismissal? I guess I was hoping for a little insight into the real reason he was let go. I still remember that A Block reception in his house with great admiration and his "I Love Me Wall" and his ability to inspire me with his speeches. Do you remember that night George? Yankee? Anyway you look at it, it's a damn shame.