The Great Hall
What to do with chine bones from porl ribs? The Great Hall: What to do with chine bones from porl ribs?
By Beachbumcook (Beachbumcook) on Tuesday, July 06, 2004 - 03:08 pm: Edit


When I do ribs I get whole pork ribs and have the guys at BJ's cut them in 1/2 on the band saw so they look like baby backs. (I don't claim that they are baby backs, I sell them as pork ribs) $1.98 a # vs $4.05 a #

They also cut off the chine bone (I think that's what it's called) and include it in the package. Does anyone have a use for these, I could brase them as well and the would taste fine but they certanily not what most folks consider ribs.



By Cheftim (Cheftim) on Tuesday, July 06, 2004 - 10:32 pm: Edit

I not sure what your discribing.
The chime is the part of the spinal colume that is on the back side of the loin. I think your talking about the sternum and the spare ribs.

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