Re: chocolate Terrine

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Posted by Gerard on November 09, 1998 at 19:52:02:

In Reply to: chocolate Terrine posted by TomR on November 09, 1998 at 15:11:07:

It sounds like that (I forget the name) 3 mousse gateau that really isn't a cake.
put the dark mousse on the bottom because it will be the most firm of the 3.
Middle layer can be coffee or chestnut mousse made with milk choc and top layer white choc mousse.
Mousses are usually a standard formula , the tricky one is the white choc. White choc isn't great to work with.
I'd consider a white choc parfait, or champagne bavarian for the top.
Unfortunately I don't have small recipes but if it helps heres the basic recipe I use for any mousse.
5 eggs
1 lb choc
1 pint cream(heavy)

Make the dark one first, let it set whilst making the second layer and so on.
If you aren't skilled at pastry try using a springform cheesecake mold to make it easier to serve.
Think about how you're going to get it out before pouring into a mold.
We use acetate sheet formed into a temporary mold held with scotchtape.

Regards, Gerard

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