Re: Baker vs. Pastry Chef

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Posted by Matt on November 10, 1998 at 14:48:32:

In Reply to: Baker vs. Pastry Chef posted by Craig R. Edwards on November 09, 1998 at 13:35:57:

: Can anyone tell me the difference between a baker and a Pastry
Chef if there is even one? Thanks!

Some people feel that there isn't and I have to admit that my
ideas on the sugject are a bit blurred. So here is my take on

I feel that all pastry chefs are bakers, but not all bakers are
pastry chefs. In the US eveyone is quick to assign a lable to someone's
job. I'm a bread baker who bakes a some cookies and a little (simple
pastry.) My Boss has called me a pastry chef. I am not. I'm a baker
who can bake some pastry. What I have to do with bread, especally
the type of bread that we bake takes a high degree of skill, and a
great deal of experience. But, even the pefect loaf of bread, cut and
baked just right; a 10 on the bread scale, still looks like a loaf
of bread. I help supply people with more basic needs, bread
for dinner and a liitle tasty dessert after dinner. Here is where
the pastry chef sets himself apart. He takes basicaly the same ingrediants
that I use to make everyday items and turns them into tasty works of
art. A pastry chef makes great food, and great works of art all at the
same time.

When you walk in to a pastry shop, I mean a real pasty shop, you will go
to the case and you will see nice coissants, and danish, etc stuff you
will see in any bakery, but it looks and tastes better. You will also
see pastry that are works of art, cakes and all sorts of items that
make your mouth water and look like they should be on exibit somewhere
in an art show. When you walk into a real pastry you'll know exactly what I'm
talking about.

Here is an example: I recently went in to our founders pastry shop to get a cup of
coffe and vistit. When I saw some people buy some coissant and
scones. One in their group baught one of the expensive, beautiful
pastry items. I'm not sure what it was called. Well I noticed
that while the others were tearing into their respective food
items the one was looking at his, turned it around, went to dig
in and turned it around again. He looked like he didn't want to
destroy it. He took a little nibble and then he ripped into it.
Beautiful, yet tasty.

A baker is like a painter painting the walls and celings inside
of an art exibit before the show opens. A pastry chef is a painter
working on the art to be exibited.

Hoaky, but its the best way that I can explain how I view this.

Do I feel inferrior to pastry chef's. No, I just respect their work,
and ability. They are doing something different with the same ingredients
(bassically)Its funny I met a few bread bakers and pastry chefs
in my time and very few like to cross over. The bread bakers
look at the pastry chef and say "the looks so tedius, how does
he stand it." The pastry chef will say "That is all work
how does he stand it."

To each their own. Just do your own well and bake for yourself
always keeping the costemer in mind.


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