medium flake crust- what went wrong?

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Posted by Les on January 04, 1999 at 02:35:16:

Today I spent in the kitchen making a pumpkin pie, determined to produce a wonderful crust. The recipe called for 2 cups all-purpose flour, 2/3 cup solid shortening and 1/3 cup butter. The dough texture was perfect until around the last 1/3 cup of the butter/shortening mixture was added--at that point, it began to look like a solid, homogenous mass. The corn-meal texture it was supposed to have was lost.
Next, I chilled the dough for 4 hours to let it relax and do what dough does, removed it 1 hour before rolling- and I could not roll it without creating long fissures from the edges. I ended up pinching it all together once in the pie pan, but I don't think that was supposed to be necesary.
So, at first, it seemed there was too much fat (cutting stage), then it seemed too much flour (rolling stage). Can anyone tell me what went wrong? Thanks for any in put,

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