Re: italian buttercream

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Posted by Gerard on April 01, 1999 at 21:57:58:

In Reply to: italian buttercream posted by jan harper on March 31, 1999 at 20:06:42:


I dunno, I have never used a thermometer to get soft ball so I don't know what temp it actually is, the books say approx 117-120 so its just a general range.
I also don't brush the sides down with water, I cover with a lid til it boils then remove lid, the steam washes it before the lid is removed.
It sounds like he's making it into rocket science when its just a simple process.

I also make mine with egg yolks, not whites, the misconception is it comes out yellow, no chance, it comes out white and is a LOT richer, not grainy .

Not sure about the graining, , you wouldn't be stirring the syrup by chance?
I worked with an old timer who mixed the syrup into whole eggs with a paddle then chilled it(unwhipped), when cold he poured it into the beaten butter and it worked out ok, this was in Florida and he did it to cope with hot humid weather there.

Why don't you ask the chef to demonstrate a batch for you and see if his grains.
Maybe try doing the sugar by hand without a thermometer, the less gadgets in the sugar the better, use the thermometer to check temp after establishing you have a soft ball.
One other possibility is make sure the eggs aren't cold as the temp shock might cause problems.

Cheers, Gerard.

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