Why would anyone who could still make an impact

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Posted by never gonna teach on February 02, 1999 at 21:47:53:

We had a chef at my school (that while remain anonymous) who was an absolute walking culinary encyclopedia. He was in charge of our student run fine dining restaurant for a semester, and the food they put out under this man was undisputedly the best in terms of flavor, creativity, and originality the school had EVER seen. (Our old school german director of culinary arts,a master who is the very essence of a hard assed european chef even admitted this to me)I couldn't help but wonder why this man was teaching at the age of 32 !!!! He had been an executive sous at Commander's Palace (and would have definately been in Emeril's spot had he not left)had worked all over the country and world, Singapore, France, South America, EVERYWHERE!!! I could understand the burnout factor, but if he was burnt out, he could have taken any posh executive position anywhere in the country and be pulling $90,000, with better benefits than the school gives. I understand that maybe the man just wanted to teach, but it seems to me to be more of a series of poor decisions that landed him somewhere where he really isn't happy. I've had many conversations with the man on this subject, but can't get it out of him WHY. Anyone else know someone like this?

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