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By Bakeshpdan (Bakeshpdan) on Tuesday, August 01, 2000 - 09:46 pm: Edit |
has anyone had success with making chocolate coils or ribbons with transfer sheets. A few years ago i saw the pastry chef fron the ritz in atlanta make them but me.. thats a different story. what I can remember in his method was, he spread a thin layer of tempered couverature over the surfas of a transfer sheet then waited till it almost set then pulled a knife not cutting the sheet though to make vertical lines then he rolled it up on a dowl. and let it set then then when ever he needed he would just pop one off and he had a long spiral or coil chocolate peice. Im sure I misse a few steps in there. if anyone can fill me in on this I would appreciate it thanks dan
By mikebel on Thursday, August 03, 2000 - 05:16 am: Edit |
What exactly are you having problems with BDAN is it the tempering process, have you got that down pat first before trying to work with it?.We use the transfer sheets at work and they are nice for that xtra little something on desserts. But we can only do it early in the morning before it gets to warm and humid.If you tell us xactly the bits u are having trouble with someone will be able to help u im sure. cheers mikebel
By bakeshpdan on Thursday, August 03, 2000 - 08:11 am: Edit |
thanks mikebel, its not the tempering process, I have no problem with that. what I have been trying to do is i cut the sheets down into 4 squares, to make it a little easier to work with. first thing I do is evenly spread the tempered couverature on the sheet wait till it is almost set then score it with my knife making verticle lines on s slight angle from left to right making individual peices, then I take a small dowl rod and from the lower right hand corner I roll to sheet up. making each individual peice curl around the dowl. the first couple peices come off pretty easy and the last ones also. but the ones in the middle dont cause the of the sheet catched up to the othe side of the curl when Im pealing it off. now I know Im doing somthing wronge or forgot a step somewhere, I saw a pastry chef several years ago do it and was just curious if anyone had success with this thanks
By W.DeBord on Friday, August 04, 2000 - 08:23 am: Edit |
Well I'm not afraid to jump in here. I haven't tried to make spirals in a long time...because of problems I also had. "cause the of the sheet catched up to the other side of the curl when I'm pealing it off" meaning your accidently over lapped?
My problem always was breakage removing the transfer sheet (because I'd rush it a bit with too warm of choc. that would leak onto the other side enclosing the transfer sheet). It's was easiest to make larger curls, but somehow I always wrapped it too tight around the dowl or the chocolate stuck to the wood etc....
I avoid making spirals with chocolate now a days. If I need them I make them out of chocolate plastic or gum paste. Which doesn't help you...sorry! I'll have to stand in line here with you waiting for a good answer.
By mikebel on Friday, August 04, 2000 - 07:25 pm: Edit |
have you tried putting the chocolate in the fridge once set for a couple of minutes maximum the cold air helps to release the chocolate from the sheets we do bows ands spiralsetc... this way i know its a big no no to put chocolate in the frige but the trick is just the quick snap cold change does help the removal. p.s doesnt adversly affect the shine.
By W.DeBord on Friday, August 11, 2000 - 08:23 am: Edit |
mikebel ever work with joconde/tuile transfer sheets? I bought a product form "Classic Gourmet" (not sure who actually manufactored them) that is supposed to work similar to choc. transfer sheets. Product sheets look great (images you can't do free hand), but they came with limited instruction/info.. I only tried to use them once with joconde and it didn't transfer the image. I haven't called the company yet...I wondered if anyone here has used this product and knows more about it?
By mikebel on Saturday, August 12, 2000 - 10:11 pm: Edit |
I have seen the product W.De and it has me very interested in what the possibilities are with it, i havent used it as yet butam also very interesteed in hearing from anybody else who has used this product especially relating to prices and suppliers as i live in sydney australia now "been here 6 weeks and am still trying to find my way around the shops and suppliers" or any web sites cheers mikebel