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By ghb on Sunday, February 25, 2001 - 02:36 pm: Edit |
My boss has asked that I do individual panna cottas in a pyramid shape. I know that Bridge Kitchenware sells Flexipans in this shape--would they be appropriate for this application? Thank you in advance for any help.
By momoreg on Sunday, February 25, 2001 - 03:37 pm: Edit |
Sure, if you freeze 'em, then unmold with a touch of heat, they should pop right out. Then just thaw in the fridge.
By ghb on Sunday, February 25, 2001 - 06:01 pm: Edit |
Momoreg--Thanks for the info. When you say to unmold them with a touch of heat, what exactly do you mean? A quick pass with the propane torch?
By W.DeBord on Sunday, February 25, 2001 - 11:25 pm: Edit |
I've only made a couple different panna cotta recipes none of which were firm enough to hold a shape well. I've always put it in a goblet. Is yours firm momoreg?
I would test my gelatin quanity for holding power before I put this into a mold (have you made this before?), you might have to adjust.
By momoreg on Monday, February 26, 2001 - 08:19 am: Edit |
Mine isn't firm enough to hold a shape, but if you freeze it, and thaw about 2 hours before service, they are fine. Definitely check your gelatin, though, and add more if necesssary.
For a touch of heat, try flipping it upside down on a paper-lined sheetpan, and sticking it in the oven for a few seconds. That should work.
By vbean on Saturday, April 14, 2001 - 06:57 am: Edit |
Panna Cotta should release from almost any mold. I use tart pans, mini brioche pans etc... Just push down around the edges.
I use 10 leaves gelatin, 6c cream, 2c milk, 8 oz sugar. Change that around as you want for savory or less fat (plus spices etc...) Remember with gelatin, always soften in cold water before dissolving in warm liquid. Do not freeze, it will make your gelatin "cease to exist". Do not heat your gelatin too hot, that will do the same thing.
By momoreg on Saturday, April 14, 2001 - 08:57 am: Edit |
Not true...my gelatin exists quite well after freezing.
By Yankee on Saturday, April 14, 2001 - 02:55 pm: Edit |
Sorry, but freezing does not make gelatin "cease to exist." Where did you come up with that one?
Try a quick dip in warm water to release those panna cottas.
By danno on Sunday, April 15, 2001 - 06:14 am: Edit |
I think what yankee meant is to put your product that contains geletin in the cooler first most likely over night so that it can do its job, I dont think it can do its job if it is frozen, then place in the freezer.
By W.DeBord on Monday, April 16, 2001 - 08:23 am: Edit |
Jeez, what kind of panna cotta are you all making that holds up in any shape....it's not jello. YUCK!
OOps vbean, gelatin goes thru freezing perfectly! That's 1/2 the reason for using it.
By Yankee on Tuesday, April 17, 2001 - 02:52 am: Edit |
Funny you should metion that.
Way back when at my old hotel job, we used to keep this panna cotta mix stuff on hand "just in case." We made it one night; just add cold milk, mix, pour, and it's set in less than 2 hours.
Milk flavored "Jello."
Milk/cream, gelatin and sugar. Hmmmmmm...
By W.DeBord on Tuesday, April 17, 2001 - 08:56 am: Edit |
Hey, funny you should mention that Yankee. Last week my Albert Uster sales rep. stopped by with two sample packets of panna cotta.
He just can't believe we don't sell a ton of this stuff and we should really use his instant mousse in his new isomalt cups.....(which he doesn't have a sample for you to look at)
I WANT A SAMPLE OF THOSE "INSTANT PULLED SUGAR BEADS", DARN IT! The companies want more sales but they won't give a freebie for the items people are truely interested in, ever! They give away only the cheap junk (they make more profits on) and refuse to sample or let their sales guy carry around the high end stuff. How dumb! I just keep buying from someone else...........
By momoreg on Wednesday, April 18, 2001 - 06:39 am: Edit |
Hey, you have a bum rep...
I've gotten freebies from them. Not very often, though.
By Panini (Panini) on Wednesday, April 18, 2001 - 08:25 pm: Edit |
DeBord, Isomalt cups? You mean you can't get the isomalt? It's become available all over. I've been playing around and it makes a great caramel for Croques. Your rep should be able to ship you anything. I've got a pretty good perveyor here in town,Gourmet Foods International,They should be able to UPS you anything. If you would like a catalog, I can get their number for you. They buy direct from Buoiron sp? Driedopple etc.
By W.DeBord on Thursday, April 19, 2001 - 06:49 am: Edit |
No, I can get isomalt everywhere, I'm talking about a new product. Haven't you seen the premade isomalt cups (they look like small glass bowls)Uster is selling? They even come tinged in yellow and red...their $1.25 a piece. I think it was Pastry Art & Design who even wrote a editoral about these new products....they also developed isomalt sugar beads that you heat in the micro. to make instant pulled sugar items (no fuss no muss).
Here's a company with two big products to introduce and they send their rep.s around with-out a sample for people to look at (the rep. only has the same small photo I saw published)....at least let them carry around the product...if they gave out small samples they'd have so much business they'd need to hire another accountant but for some reaon they don't want to do that.