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By Cocolulu (Cocolulu) on Wednesday, September 08, 2004 - 04:33 pm: Edit |
I need to make marshmallows, I understand that the higher the bloom, the higher the quality. Does this really matter in the case of the marshmallow. I don't have a "taste" for the things, so any help would be appreciated.
By Cocolulu (Cocolulu) on Wednesday, September 08, 2004 - 07:58 pm: Edit |
I have a bit more time now to elaborate. I need marshmallows. The basic knowledge I have of gelatin is that it odorless and tasteless. So is the "quality" all about texture? Will a lower bloom, breakdown and get gooier faster. I will putting the mashmallows in a smore and wonder if any of this will affect the cracker base. Will a lower bloom mean a moister marshmallow? It's too costly in bulk to simply buy both and experiment, sure it's a lowly food, but i'm serious about it, so any help? Please!?!?
By Scott123 (Scott123) on Monday, September 13, 2004 - 12:47 am: Edit |
This is one of the most comprehensive discussions I've seen on DIY marshmallows. There are a few other threads relating to marshmallows in that forum, but this is the grandaddy.