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By Brian on Saturday, August 05, 2000 - 02:00 pm: Edit |
I am an apprentice. I was given an assignment to research charlottes, the two kinds, their history, when they are used and how served etc. Beyond recipes I can find no more information. Can anyone help me? Thank you.
By Quartet (Quartet) on Saturday, August 05, 2000 - 09:54 pm: Edit |
"This is a dessert which may be served hot or cold. Usually the Charlotte is sweet, but it may also be savoury. Often the Charlotte includes a bavarois mixture. THere are numerous recipes for Charlottes, all with their own specific names. Originally they were made in dariole moulds, which were special metal bowls made of copper with brass handles. Today, for hygienic reasons the dariole moulds are made of plastic or stainless steel.
The name Charlotte dates back to the early 19th century. The Charlotte was inspired by a variety of English puddings during that period. It is probable that the Charlotte was named after Queen Charlotte, Princes of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, who was wife of George III (1738 - 1820), King of Great Britain and Ireland from 1760...SInce its creation in the 19th century the list of different types of Charlottes has extended, and today it remains just as popular as it was during that period."
-- Classic Patisserie by Claude Juillet
"Two kinds of dessert, one hot and the other cold or iced, are known by this name.
The original charlotte (which appeared at the end of the 18th century, perhaps in honour of Queen Charlotte, the wife of George III of England) is inspired by English desserts. It is made from a thick fruit puree flavoured with lemon and cinnamon, poured into a round mould with a slightly flared rim, lined with slices of buttered bread. The dish is baked in the oven, then turned out of the mould and served warm with a cold custard cream. The classic example is apple charlotte, but other fruits may be used.
Careme invented charlotte russe. This is a chilled uncooked dish consisting of vanilla Bavarian cream (or chocolate mousse, a bombe mixture, or Chantilly cream) poured into a charlotte mould lined with sponge fingers (ladyfingers). The latter can be soaked in liquer or coffee beforehand. The preparation is allowed to cool and then turned out of the mould. Careme named his creation charlotte a la parisienne, but this name was changed during the Second Empire, when Russian dishes became very fashionable.
Savoury charlottes may also be made, using vegetables or fish; they are cooked in an unlined charlotte mould."
-- Larousse Gastronomique