Re: sodium bicarbonate

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Posted by Linda on October 27, 1998 at 02:03:36:

In Reply to: sodium bicarbonate posted by Craig Carlson on February 04, 1998 at 03:27:36:

Hi: I am a high school student doing a mini-lab on baking soda. I know this is kind of late, but I still need
some questions answered about baking soda. How does baking soda accomplish the task of extinguishing grease fires?
And why is baking soda preferable to water when achieving this task? Also, it is known that baking soda is a
leavening ingredient, but how does it accomplish this task? If anyone knows the answers to these questions, could
you please take a few minutes to e-mail them to me? This would be great help to my lab report. Thank you!

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