Category Archives: News

Progress on new District Clusters for Nassau County General Service.

At the October General Service Representative (GSR) meeting of Nassau County General Service, the following proposed clusters of all 16 Districts were accepted by the GSRs of Nassau County:
“Several districts may meet together at the same time and place in a district “cluster” to compensate for vacant DCM (District Committee Member) positions, to improve participation and/or to create other efficiencies to strengthen the clustering districts” (Service Handbook and Articles of Associations and By-Laws (AREA 49), p. 61).  Our main hope in clustering the districts is to give support and to give “struggling districts a boost” (Service Handbook, p. 18).
At the next GSR meeting, on Monday, December 14th at 7:30pm, the plan is to provide support for these clusters so that they may begin meeting on a regular basis.