Death in of an Industry Leader, and Friend

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Posted by George on October 22, 1997 at 12:57:44:

It is with deep sorrow that I report the death of Gary Holleman, one of the true leaders in the Food On-line Word. I considered Gary my mentor, he’s the one who first gave me the clue to move EOL from a dial up BBS to the Web. All along he has been an incredible help and resource to me and many of the On Line community.

Here is a cross post from On The Rail list serv:

On The Rail, The latest news for food professionals
***************** *******************
--------------- MESSAGE otr-food-pro.v001.n104.1 ---------------
Subject: Death in the family
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 18:51:00 -0700
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

One of the major players in the food and technology industry, Gary
Holleman died today during open heart surgery today in Fargo, ND.
Gary was going in for a relatively routine operation to replace a valve
in his heart. The repairs were'nt successful and they put in a "left
ventricular assist" device to replace it.
When that didn't work they took him to surgury for a third time and he
didn't recover.
He was in and out of surgery from 8 am this morning until 6 pm midwestern time.

I've been in touch with Gary's wonderful family throught the day, and they
would like to thank everyone who sent e-mail of support to them and to
Gary, as well as over 100 phone calls today to check on his progress.

Gary was the guiding force behind the popular Chef's mailing list, Food and
Wine Online, and wrote about technology in the food industry for Food
Arts, as well as working full time with Indian Harvest to develop and
promote the use of whole grains in restaurants and homes around the country.

He was a young and vibrant individual with a fantastic sense of humor and
always ready to lend a helping hand where needed.
He will be sorely missed.


--------------- END otr-food-pro.v001.n104 ---------------

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