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By Winddove (Winddove) on Friday, October 11, 2002 - 05:37 pm: Edit |
I have a 4-quart little Kitchenaid Mixer I have been using for over ten years now. It's kept my catering business going for the past year. I am now getting the restuarant ready...yes, in the bottom of my home. I need a new mixer for the restaurant. Ok...so...my head is spinning here. Every one says their's is the best. So...What is your opinion? Even Epinions.com had me a bit frustrated... I have seen the Kenwood by Delonghi, the Hobart (Much to big), White DLX 2000 Stand Mixer (8-qt.)by Electrolux of Sweden. My curiousity is really with the Electrolux... I really don't need anything huge...and this Electrolux is 8 quarts in size...a little bigger then the 6-quart size with Kitchenaid. So...any input would be welcomed but be sure to tell me why you don't like or like your mixers. Ok? Thanks so much. Pamie...
By Chefspike (Chefspike) on Friday, October 11, 2002 - 08:59 pm: Edit |
get a damn Hobart and quit fooling around!
it has the best track record and maintance deal you can get. AND, they are a simple machine to fix, hell even your frenchy could do it!!
By Winddove (Winddove) on Saturday, October 12, 2002 - 08:28 am: Edit |
Well...While waiting to get some feedback from this forum I did a little investigation. I don't see that I will get a Hobart. My god...a five quart mixer is starting at $1700.00 plus. That's ridiculous. If you doubt me...check it out at this link: http://www.bigtray.com/productlist.asp!catid.11490.html And then, I see the 6 - quart Kitchenaid reviews harping about the switch and it dragging down with the motor. The Kenwood had "ok" reviews and then there is the Electrolux Mixer of which there is no reviews in Epinions or Amazon. So...not sure. Maybe I will just head to Ebay and find me two little Kitchenaid's like I already have and do it that way. But, even though it may be a good mixer, that Hobart that is, there is no way I am lining some fool's pockets with almost two grand for a mixer the size of my old Kitchenaid of which is only $300.00. Forget that...I'm trying to open my business, not close it down. But...thanks anyway... P.S. If you go to google.com, and type in Hobart Mixers...90% of the links shows used ones. It's a graveyard of returns. Really quite humerous actually...I mean...for the money and all.
By Chefmanny (Chefmanny) on Saturday, October 12, 2002 - 08:56 am: Edit |
Hobart, you will go through $1700 in little mixers and you'll still have the Hobart after 20 years. Look for a used one, $1700, is that like MSRP, the car price nobody pays....you have to get out to a dealer and negotiate!!!!!
By George (George) on Saturday, October 12, 2002 - 10:11 am: Edit |
"P.S. If you go to google.com, and type in Hobart Mixers...90% of the links shows used ones. It's a graveyard of returns. Really quite humerous actually...I mean...for the money and all."
The reason you see all the old ones is they never die. They are so dependable and tough that there are folks that make a living just re-wiring the whisks and re tinning the bowls of old ones.
By Winddove (Winddove) on Saturday, October 12, 2002 - 12:46 pm: Edit |
Thanks...George, Manny, & Spike. Well...I am going to check on a couple of used ones I think. I don't have the time this weekend. Our band has gigs and we're remodeling to finish up the restaurant. A small nightmare to say the least. But, considering the feedback, it's worth checking into. Frankly speaking, I never heard of the Hobart until I was searching the engines on the net. It seems all you see is the Kitchenaid...and the newer big one has quite a few negative things about it...mostly noise and the switch. So...I am going to check out the Hobarts. Thanks again. Enjoy your weekend.
By Bradthedog (Bradthedog) on Sunday, October 13, 2002 - 09:07 am: Edit |
What good is an expensive mixer if it lasts longer than your business? Granted it will have some value at the bankruptcy auction, but that is llittle comfort for those who are planning their business purchases. While I agree that the hobart is king, before buying one ask yourself if and why you really need one. Most restaurants and caterers are doomed to fail from the start even a $1000 for a used one may not be a wise choice if all you really need it for are small things that a brand new $300 kitchen aid could handle (or for that matter 2 $150 Kitchen aids)can handle quite nicely.
Just a note if want to find a good price on a used hobbart go to your closest (or largest) federal courthouse and get a listing for all bankruptcy auctions in auctions they will be doing in the near future. You will find lots of hobbart mixers among the items you will have to compete for greedy resellers with lots of cash for them, but you won't be paying their 20% mark up for them either.
By Winddove (Winddove) on Sunday, October 13, 2002 - 11:11 am: Edit |
Oh geez...you make my gloomy rainy day in Ohio a lil' brighter. I take it you went bankrupt. Well...on year 2 now and doing fine thus far. Never-the-less it sure would be nice to have some positive input...geez... Incentive is lovely...you know? I am planning on buying two Kitchenaid's anyway... If I fail...they will make nice gifts...right? LOL
By Chefmanny (Chefmanny) on Sunday, October 13, 2002 - 12:43 pm: Edit |
Brad you are just way too optimistic!!!!!
Would you like fries w/ that sir?????
There's always BK for you though.
By Tortesrus (Tortesrus) on Sunday, October 13, 2002 - 04:38 pm: Edit |
Windove- There is always the option of doing a lease/purchase on a new hobart mixer. That was what I did -my monthly payments on a 12qt were under $70- you pay more in the long run, but you don't have to come up with alot of extra cash up front.
By Chefspike (Chefspike) on Sunday, October 13, 2002 - 08:51 pm: Edit |
Kitchen Aids are for whipped cream, Christ!
you can do EVERYTHING with a Hobart, I know, I've been doing everything for almost 30 stinking years
with a Hobart.
A mixer is one of the most important pieces you could have. From whipped cream to dough.
The Hobart is the machine to have.
and if you fail, you have something of VALUE to sell.
Get the damn Hobart and quit talking about it!!!
By Bradthedog (Bradthedog) on Sunday, October 13, 2002 - 11:10 pm: Edit |
Windove> Actually no I didn't go bankrupt, I learned from other people's misery, and make a lot of money cleaning up their messes, it is why people pay my consulting fees before they open food businesses, it is why 15 venture capital groups require my consultation before they give anyone money. I know the facts of business and gave you options for equipment because you asked, it is no skin off my back if you don't take it, hey and since you are somewhere in ohio too I might just wind up owning an under used hobbart from your bankruptcy auction. Maybe you need one right now, maybe you can wait 6 months or a year or more until you know your business isn't going to flounder, maybe you don't need one at all. A thousand dollars saved may mean the difference between staying in business and having your electricity cut off (it is real hard to run a hobbart with it) or being able to pay your suppliers that net in 30 charge I am sure you will regularly accrue that was my advice. Maybe financing a new one is the way to go as well, if your business plan is in all well and good you can probably get it even for a new restaurant in this economy. Of course i wouldn't suggest going to the bank with out a solid business plan for this type of prchase, because if it isn't solid they it will be a waste of time and you won't get it or you will get it because someone wants what every you put up for collateral. I would however suggest staying away from any dealer financing, 17 to 24.99% APRfinancing isn't really a good choice when banks will offer it at 9% or less. You won't stay in business based soley upon a cheery happy go lucky attitude, in a good economy only 7 out of 10 new restaurants fail within 24 months, in this economy you can expect 9 out of 10 new restaurants going under in 12 months. Those are the facts do with them as you will.
Manny> from what I can see of your advice I believe that you regularly have ask people if they want fries with that, or are you so irrrespnsible with the money they have you scrubbing out the toilets instead?
spike> doing everything and doing what you need are two very different things. Do you also buy full sets of knives every time you think you need a specialty knife? Believe it or not, not every business needs a hobbart, there are a lot small restaurants who are getting buy just fine with hand mixers & whisks and stay in business because they know where to put their money to use.
By Chefspike (Chefspike) on Sunday, October 13, 2002 - 11:25 pm: Edit |
spike> doing everything and doing what you need are two very
different things. Do you also buy full sets of knives every
time you think you need a specialty knife? Believe it or
not, not every business needs a hobbart, there are a lot
small restaurants who are getting buy just fine with hand
mixers & whisks and stay in business because they know where
to put their money to use
hey, head, are you causing trouble cause you are bored?
I don't care what you say, every biz thats doing food today needs a Hobart.
Have YOU ever cooked? Done Pastry?
yes...then you know
no...then shutup!
And the lady is not going out of biz so don't wait around like some sort of vulture, and aren't we impressed by how smart you are,..... please.
just think, if this was a pay site maybe we would
not have read you, and you'd go use YOUR money someplace else.
Goodbye. Goodluck. Vulture.
By Winddove (Winddove) on Sunday, October 13, 2002 - 11:31 pm: Edit |
Ok...ok...guys...didn't want to get any shorts in knots here. I think the Holbart suggestion is a good one and I am now flipping back to checking this item out again. I am in no rush. The catering and delivery sales are doing well now and I have a lot of building to do yet for the restaurant. I have the money...all without help from banks...etc. In fact, this is going on it's second year in building up this restaurant. I am hoping to have it open within the next two months. It's a bummer when you have the money but your time is limited because I am running two other businesses. I am not going half cocked on this. I work as a professional licensed day care provider and send my Mario to the city everyday delivery to the work places with our baked goods and hot meals. We bring in between 4 and 5 grand a month. In fact, the most pressing problem I have right now is refiancing a loan I have on my home. After a somewhat sad divorce, my Ex gave me the deed to the land and told me I had 3 years to get a loan. If I don't...I lose everything here. I now have one more year to do it. It took me all this time just to get my credit score up to 637 and that's nothing to brag about. I was left with no education, a mother at home and a Ex saying he wanted to forclose on our new home. Well...I have worked my brains out to survive and keep this home of a grand a month in payments that I am paying to build up his credit and trying to save it for my teenage sons and then have to teach my import husband from Italy everything about this new country he is in. Ugh...I need a island to rest on I think... So...I am on my own here and depending on you folks for sound advice. I thank you for your patience and have learned a great deal. I make no moves unless I know for sure what I am doing. At least I am trying. My sons watch me and expect me to take care of them...sooo Right now, trying to get a loan...oh geeze..the vultures out there is unreal. I would like to get a business loan just for the house...but then they don't want real estate on it...and visa versa with a loan that will be given just for real estate. Oh...then there are the ones that only give you a loan on five acres and don't want to touch the 13.25 acres that have horses on it. It's a nightmare...just a nightmare. So...this mixer thing...is the least of my problems right now...but an important decision no less. Again, thank you for your help...and enjoy your week. Pamie... P.S. Sorry Brad...I really didn't mean to offend you...it's really not me... I just need positive direction. I get enough negative from...yes...you guessed it...family and friends. Till this day...three years later, they still can't believe I have held on to everything...and not living on Welfare. Well...that is why I am here...to learn and be productive. Again...sorry if anyone was offended...
By Chefmanny (Chefmanny) on Monday, October 14, 2002 - 05:57 am: Edit |
Venture capital consultant? A bean counter huh!
Have you ever worked in the food industry? Eating or driving a bread truck for Holsum does not count!!!
Fact is most venture capital groups won't even look at restaurants unless they are buying a chunk of chain restaurants. Since you know the facts of business you also realize that in the restaurant business you have to take into consideration every situation individually. You must also realize that there are just some things you just don't skimp on, like a good walk in cooler, a mixer, a good stove, a hood, heavy gage steel utensils vs the $3 dollar tongs at the local "restaurant wholesale club" which I'm sure the bean counters love!
Unfortunately, most restaurants don't hire a consultant until they are heading on a downward spiral, I know, I am a consultant. Exactly what advice do these venture capitalist look for, "a green" light, a "this will be a good concept" nod or just "financial viability" Just curious.
Most people don't want to hire a consultant because they don't want a stranger coming in telling them what they are doing wrong. It takes a confident individual to do this. I was just doing a job and it is 4 partners, one of the partners wanted 2 items left out of my final report because they were her "pet" projects and, they made no sense at all in the business!!!!!!
By Winddove (Winddove) on Monday, October 14, 2002 - 09:09 am: Edit |
Just thought this tibit that I found on the net might be of interest to our Chefs here. Kitchenaid was originally created by HOBART? Who knew??? Tee Hee Hee ....just ripped me up. Well, the new Kitchenaid 6-quart is supposed to have a lot a problems. The switches and motors go bad quickly with many returns on it. I am going back to checking out the Electrolux. Go to Sweden I say. LOL Just like a woman...right? Well, actually I don't want a huge mixer anyway. If the business grows I will invest in a larger one. You see, my restaurant at this point in time will be open only on the weekends and will serve no more then 25 - 50 people at any given time. You can't even get in unless you have your reservations along with your order pre-ordered. I will be mailing out menus. Very small and exclusive. One of those all night affairs with eating three hours and a music show. Very persoanl and entertaining. So....I won't need a huge mixer ...yet anyway.
But, to be frank...still looking. If anyone has an Electolux mixer, I would appreciate feed-back on this item. Also any with a Kenwood.
Well, enjoy you week...talk soon. Pamie
Here is the write-up from Epinions.com:
Kitchenaid mixers first developed by Hobart in the early 1900's have a traditionally been viewed as work horses and totally reliable. Unfortunately a trend is becoming apparent reading the reviews on epinions.com. It appears that the older K45 and K90 machines are still reliable but the newer 5Qt and the 6Qt have serious motor and reliability deficiencies. For once I'm grateful that my normal urge to buy the most capacity and power was undermined by picking the model that really fit my needs, the K90. As with all the other reviewers I'm really happy with the performance of the smaller Kitchenaid. If I had need of the additional capacity I would steer clear of the larger Kitchenaids and look at the European options like the Kenwood , Bosh, Electrolux or the smaller industrial Hobart. The new 6Qt model in particular has had scary reviews, machines simply can't handle the rated capacity.
By Thebaker (Thebaker) on Monday, October 14, 2002 - 09:14 am: Edit |
By Chefspike (Chefspike) on Monday, October 14, 2002 - 09:20 am: Edit |
I can't stand guys like the vulture.
bottom feeders.
they think they're smart, talented.
By Ladycake (Ladycake) on Monday, October 14, 2002 - 11:08 am: Edit |
Dovey dear,
I have known many, and worked in most of them, restaurants that have gotten by with a Kitchenaid. The thing the guys are telling you is ... if you buy a Hobart, that's all you'll ever need. If you go with one of the others, in a few years, you'll have to buy another, then another. In the end you will spend more and still need to buy the Hobart. My .02? Assume you are going to make it, buy the Hobart, don't double you're money spent trying to save a little; you'll be happy you did in the end.
Don't worry about Bradthedog, he is named that for a reason. We'll watch you're back with our trusty crossbows and chefs knives (we do know how to use them!) LOL
Lots of luck & Luv
By Chefmanny (Chefmanny) on Monday, October 14, 2002 - 12:19 pm: Edit |
FYI, Kitchen Aid comes in a home version and a commercial version. Most people don't know to ask which is which or which one they are getting but, the commercial version has a much stronger motor but, it is still for whipped cream mostly. The engine overheats quickly and burns !
By Bradthedog (Bradthedog) on Monday, October 14, 2002 - 12:57 pm: Edit |
Spike> 22 years as a pastry chef and then into management, I would have thought you could have worked your way up the ladder at duncan donuts faster than that. When you work your way to owning your own business with your own money instead of assisting in the running one for someone else maybe then you will be ready to make the big decisions. But until then you are just a jerk off with a big mouth not qualified to make tough choices, especially not with someone elses business. why don't you run back behind the counter and fetch me a dozen chocolate glazed and a large box of munchins.
Windove> I could have told you hobbart made the kitchenaid mixers, they did it up until the late 1960's or later. however don't trust everything you read on epinions.com There are a lot of people there who like to rant and rave about the things they know very little about, I would almost bet spike spends a good amount of time there. As far as the magic mill from I don't like the design very well. Personally I would go with a couple of kitchenaid 4.5qts rather than that. They are easily reparable or replaceable and since it doesn't sound like you will be doing high volume work day in and day out they will most likely last you a good long time. I would say get them both at walmart and save the boxes, ifsomething goes wrong box it up and excahnge it.
Manny> actually I am not a bean counter, I am the person smart bean counters listen too when they want to make sure their investments are safe. And yes i have been in the industry for about 15 years first as an unpaid apprentice to an old school baker, 5 years in fast food including owning 3 big name franchises and I have started and sold 19 other restaurants on my own. I hate the day to day operation of restaurants that is why I now consult and invest in new business. I much prefer .01% of gross and 1 to 2% of net profits in someone elses heart attack waiting to happen.
As far as what venture capital people want to see from you is a solid business plans filled with a good market research. They want to know about not only your competitors names but there business practices and how you plan on avoiding their problems and beating them out of business. If you go in with the attitude you can over come your percieved and researched problems they will be willing to go to the next step with you, which usually means taking complete control of your business plan for a few months and telling you how things are going to be. One of the things they will make you do is sit down with someone like me. However there is usually a clause in the consultants contract about being willing to personally invest in the project (or assume partial liability in loans and co signing for credit), I usually put in 1/4 to 2% of the capital on the understanding i get .01% of the gross monthly sales payable within 5 days of the end of every month and .01% of yearly gross afterwards payable within 90 days. I try and avoid the second option of personal liability and securing credit. I get all that on top of 1 to 2% of net. That may not sound like a lot but the moneymen get between 8 and 15% of the quarterly net.
By Chefmanny (Chefmanny) on Monday, October 14, 2002 - 01:37 pm: Edit |
I have always been a believer that a business plan and market research can be faked or falsified; especially if you know what people (investors) are looking for. The first business I opened in the 80's, I was 22 just out of school ,lots of working experience but, no business experience. The developer of the place I was going into asked me for financial statements, I was like...what??? So, I opened my Hospitality Accounting 101 book and faked 3 documents and they were thrilled with it!!! I guess in today's Enron, Andersen Acctg, and others people might be more thorough nowaday.
Anyway, I sure do like the consulting perks myself. It's kind of cool to get rewarded just for doing what you enjoy and are excellent at!
By Dlachez (Dlachez) on Monday, October 14, 2002 - 04:21 pm: Edit |
For awhile now I've been happy just reading Spike, Manny and the other's post. But I have to address Bradthedog.
For a guy that has never actually been working chef and lend from classes and seminars you sure got balls. (this form your website level257.com FAQ that you have since removed) You can talk the talk buddy but you haven't proved you can walk the walk until your out there doing it.
A fast food franchises have little or nothing to do with real cooking it's all formulated, chimps could be trained to do what it take to produce what is sold in a fast food franchise.
Dilettantes always think the know more than the people that do it for a living but when it comes down to getting it done there is nothing to back up their talk.
A statement like "What good is an expensive mixer if it lasts longer than your business?" real tells all. What do you know about needing to get the job done with the constant deadlines of impending service, the doors opening for the day or simply delivering a product as the customer ordered it.
Those cheep made for the home kitchen aid mixers don't last more than a few months with everyday use. Foodservice kitchen aids are great for ala cart mixing or small batches even making sausage for a special. But any large batch mixing takes at least a twenty quart mixer. For consistency's sake alone it's imperative.
My suggestion is keep giving advice to the home makers that visit your site and are beguiled by your implications that your more than you are.
By the way your site sucks but the good news is I'm available for web-developement at a price.
By Chefrev (Chefrev) on Monday, October 14, 2002 - 04:38 pm: Edit |
Hoo boy! Never mind!
By Corey (Corey) on Monday, October 14, 2002 - 04:40 pm: Edit |
err, he prolly meant a chef in the fast foods dev kitchen, I wouldn't brag about working for like jack in the box, unless I made a special recipie that is still in use today.
By Thebaker (Thebaker) on Monday, October 14, 2002 - 04:56 pm: Edit |
By Winddove (Winddove) on Monday, October 14, 2002 - 09:09 am: Edit
The new 6Qt model in particular has had scary reviews, machines simply can't handle the rated capacity..>>>>>>>>
My 6qt is terrible the switch keeps going bad and i regret getting it
By Chefspike (Chefspike) on Monday, October 14, 2002 - 05:16 pm: Edit |
Dlachez, Sir... Miss(?),
thanks for your comments, I guess you too are a chef or maybe have worked in a kitchen. More than suzie home bakers come here, just take a min and go back and read some of the education that has been posted here.
It's not my or our web site, and it's free, so....
maybe the owner would like to hear from you as far as what you could contribute, ( for free ).
just a thought. maybe not.
Brad....I should have known you were a donut eater. You wouldn't know good pastry even if you did buy it, or the company.
Guys like you are just some of the reasons the food biz is the way it is today.
All commercial and hardley any Mom and Pop.
oh and I never, NEVER lost money in ANY of the pastry shops I worked. My sweat and reputation went into almost all of them. You can't say that can you vulture? Uh?, what?, can't hear you boy!
No, suits like you don't sweat, cause ya don't work. You steal...you pick the bones while it's still alive...your a vulture.
chefrev!!, Manny, Corey...thanks.
By Chefmanny (Chefmanny) on Monday, October 14, 2002 - 05:24 pm: Edit |
You guys rock man/woman!
By George (George) on Monday, October 14, 2002 - 05:49 pm: Edit |
FYI- Dlachez is a good friend and moderator here and was my committee when I was Tech Chair for the ACF. He's partially responsible for the new look here with the tabs and stuff accross the top.
He's been lurking for a while but this bradbrat just pushed his bottons and made him decloak.
If I didn't know better I'd think bradbrat was smoked nuts. LOL
Thanks to all.
By Chefmanny (Chefmanny) on Monday, October 14, 2002 - 05:52 pm: Edit |
Could it be? Nutsmoker back!!!!!
By Chefmanny (Chefmanny) on Monday, October 14, 2002 - 05:57 pm: Edit |
Tim!, how's it going man? I did not know you were involved w/ this site also! I lurk on your site once in a while.
By Cheftim (Cheftim) on Monday, October 14, 2002 - 06:31 pm: Edit |
I'm better know here as cheftim, sometimes I forget and log in as dlachez.
I'm here everyday, it's very grounding. After years of posting I feel less compelled to throw in my $.02 and I'm happy just watching/reading you guys. This time Bradthedog Hart, agnostic/atheist, dilettante cooking guy pissed me off.
By the way Spike you can click on the name in the message header and get a look at the persons profile. That too can be educational. Take a look at winddove's profile, she's a babe.
I like that George, "was my committee", we were a committee of two, but we did mix it up some.
To say I was involved with WebFoodPros.com or any of the other Escoffier.net sites is a over statement. George sometimes lets me do some coding for him. Other than that it's George all the way.
Manny thanks, someday soon I'll update it.
Back on the subject, Hobart make the best mixers, you can't beat that direct geared drive.
By Bradthedog (Bradthedog) on Monday, October 14, 2002 - 06:48 pm: Edit |
Dlachez> actually about 150 pages of the site are down, Shortly after spike went on his little tirade this morning someone breached the site and deleted many pages, given time I can track the IP address of who ever did it. But I won't go giving spike the blame just yet, but it won't surprise me when if it does lead me back to him. And to quote the page in question someone asked if I am a professional chef? And the quoted answer "I am not a working chef with a restaurant if that is what you mean” And no I don't head up a restaurant right now, I don't need or want the headaches of a restaurant now. And no I didn't go to cooking school, and neither have most of the people on this list who put chef in their log in names they simply think themselves the be all end all of the culinary world. And yes I attend many cooking seminars, workshops and short term classes, because I enjoy them and it is no surprise that more than two thirds of the people there are professional chefs who unlike many people on this forum acknowledge they don't know everything on every subject. It amazed me how many pastry chefs were sitting in the last basic Tai cooking class I took. I might know marketing strategy better than I know choux pastry, and I might know how to build a business better than I can build a sauce, but I can admit it.
Spike> I am sure you never lost money in a pastry shop you worked in, losing money is what happens to those who own a business not to its little better than minimum wage employees. You utterly amaze me with your stupidity, you may well be a fine pastry chef, and a fine hacker, but your commentary reveals you only as a blowhard idiot who would quickly run a business into the ground trying to show the world just how arrogant and stupid you are. If you think corporate investors are the reason mom & pop stores are gone, you really haven't a clue to the modern world. When you start blaming the consumer for demanding the cheapest price, you will be more on track with the reality of the situation. And it isn't just the end consumer throwing them out of business either, mom and pop businesses did a large part of the damage to themselves by refusing to band together and by demanding the lowest prices from their mom and pop suppliers. You can continue to rant and rave all you like, it just shows what an idiot you really are.
And for those who think I am someone else, yesterday was the first time i have ever been to this site.
By Cheftim (Cheftim) on Monday, October 14, 2002 - 07:00 pm: Edit |
Spike you hacker you. I didn't know you had it in you, neither did you I'll bet.
By Chefspike (Chefspike) on Monday, October 14, 2002 - 07:20 pm: Edit |
what?, one min I'm hacking, the other I'm too stupid to walk and talk?
come on.....come on.....COME ON!
your just a @#$ with time on his hands cause no one will date you so you go to cheap cooking classes at night and hope to snuggle up against a real man/chef at your lab table. HaHaHaHa !!!!!
I don't need no one of thems fancy ed-u-ca-tion paper things to figure that out.
a #$%^ vulture, could there be anything worse????
yea, listening to your spew...............
By Chefspike (Chefspike) on Monday, October 14, 2002 - 07:23 pm: Edit |
an ugly little ^#@$%^#%$^ vulture.
By Chefspike (Chefspike) on Monday, October 14, 2002 - 07:26 pm: Edit |
and besides, I made Manny's wife sweat with just my photo..........
so there !
By Chefmanny (Chefmanny) on Monday, October 14, 2002 - 07:31 pm: Edit |
Man, this Brad dude is really f@#%$ng vile!
Cheap prices driving the foodservice industry!!!!! No wonder all fast food chains are trying to get into middle schools now, they hook them young and they will eat that s@%& the rest of their lives. It's schmucks like Bradthedick who uneducate our youngster about what real food is and what crap is!!!!!! This sounds more and more like Phillips & Morris!!!!!!
By Chefmanny (Chefmanny) on Monday, October 14, 2002 - 07:35 pm: Edit |
Spike is too, well shall we say simple minded to "hack".....he did make my wife sweat though. Spike looks just like a young Steve Mcqueen in Bullit!!!!! Loved that Mustang!!!!!
I think Ellwood hacked the page!!!!!!!
By Chefspike (Chefspike) on Monday, October 14, 2002 - 08:05 pm: Edit |
ya know.......I'm sorry to have used such a word on this site. ( %#$% )
my gay friends would not approve of a straight guy saying that in this forum.
again, sorry.
it would be ok, if I used it around them, but not here. not to describe Mr. Pathitic Vulture.
sorry to everyone.
By Chefmanny (Chefmanny) on Monday, October 14, 2002 - 08:27 pm: Edit |
You know the difference between a freezer and a homosexual. The freezer doesn't fart when you pull the meat out!!!!!
By Winddove (Winddove) on Monday, October 14, 2002 - 08:55 pm: Edit |
Oh Geez...what a mess... I just wanted to know about mixers. Good grief. This forum is plain old nasty. Ladycake, I agree with you and for that matter...most in here. I will let you know what I decided to do. Spent the night painting the cement floor. Trying to make it look like marble. Yikes. Ok...back to work now...and you all have a good night. You lil' beasts you... Take care... Pamie
By Chefmanny (Chefmanny) on Monday, October 14, 2002 - 10:12 pm: Edit |
I hope that was not the kitchen floor Pamie!!!!!!
Kitchen floors should have mirrors, yes, mirror tile, to watch the girls in high heels and no under garments!!!!!!
Ah, we are just having fun on a slow night!!!!!
Off to watch CSI Miami, TTFN
By Winddove (Winddove) on Tuesday, October 15, 2002 - 08:00 am: Edit |
Geez...Manny...the CSI Miami...reminds me of the Kennedy Nephew scoop...Remember that? This time...predictable. I had the show on in the background...while finishing up my floors. I am putting mirror tile on the one wall...and framing in the sections...sooooooooooooooo.....sorry Manny... LOL Bad boy... Chef Tim...thanks for the compliment. It made for a nice birthday present for me today. Decided on a Hobart - I think. *Tee Hee Hee* Just not sure YET... Looking for a good used one though. Have a nice day one and all. Me...going to forget I added another year... Pamie...
By Chefrev (Chefrev) on Tuesday, October 15, 2002 - 04:14 pm: Edit |
You go, Pamie. Don't let Bradley whatsitz discourage you.
About him: Geez, I've only met a few people in my life who could piss off so many people in so short a time. That's a rare gift! Do us all a favor, Brad, make this last post of yours your VERY last.
By Chefspike (Chefspike) on Tuesday, October 15, 2002 - 08:24 pm: Edit |
Hobart, 3-speed, table top, whip, hook, paddle,
meat grinder, cheese thingy.
the only machine your gonna need.
By Steve9389 (Steve9389) on Wednesday, October 30, 2002 - 12:33 pm: Edit |
We have dozens of 5 qt. KitchenAids -- the ones with the 325 watt motors) at my school, about two-thirds of them brand spanking new that came with the four shiny new kitchens they just opened. At any given time there are at least 10 of them (at $300 a pop)lying on the floor in various states of disrepair. Our instructors now mandate that we stand next to our mixers AT ALL TIMES when they are turned on so that we can watch for smoke. Some of them have threatened to throw themselves in a 500* convection ovens unless the promised 40 qt. Hobarts materialize.
Granted, I'm relatively new at this, but I don't think that bodes well for the KitchenAids.
By Thebaker (Thebaker) on Wednesday, October 30, 2002 - 12:50 pm: Edit |
I like my kitchenaid
the 300 watt ones suck
got to be 350 watts they last long,
ive worked at places that use them everyday and they last years....
I got my self one of the new 6 qt 575 watt big boy..
i love it