Employers serenade

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Posted by Chef de Vries on January 29, 1998 at 13:29:52:

Employer Serenade

I am a European Chef with outstanding reputation and
experience, for the last few months I make efforts
finding a position in the United States and send my
resume to countless potential employers who are
searching to recruit a chef with my qualification
and experience. I would like to thank all potential
employers that received my CV and those of many
other's and who did not have the decency to give
us an answer. You are the real ambassadors of
the Hospitality Industry and you arrogance is a
sample of what our industry is not about.
I appeal to all Hospitality Employers to treat us
the same as you would like to be treated yourselves,
respect and dignity cost you in this case no more
than a stamp, fax or email. Send candidates that
went trough the effort sending you there resume
a short answer.

I wish all that read this message a happy culinary
and mutch more polite New Year

{By the way I am continue searching for a position
in the USA}

Chef Herman.

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